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A Guide to the Top Decoy Spreads For Goose Hunting This Season

9 Minute Read

With whitetail season in the rearview mirror, hunters are focused on taking down Canada geese. To properly hunt these migratory birds, a hunter must have a solid understanding of the tools of the trade, the most important of which are decoys and spreads.

While there are many methods, preferences, and hunting strategies, here are some of our favorite and most used types of decoys and decoy spreads trusted by hunters nationwide. Apply these tips for your next waterfowl hunt!


A hunter in waterfowl gear in tall reeds and water, using goose decoys concept.

Understanding Goose Behavior

Depending on the available food and unfrozen water, some geese will stick relatively close to home, while others will travel miles to find more habitable conditions. So, in some cases, there is a good chance that the geese you are hunting in September are the same geese you see in January.

The more a flock of geese encounters hunters, the smarter they get, so you need to hunt strategically with your decoys.

When geese encounter other geese on the ground, it signals that there is a safe place to land with enough food and water for the group. Additionally, in the mid to late season, new feeding areas and landing spots for geese are created once crops have been harvested.

Geese are habitual and will generally return to the same areas until they are shot at enough times or they run out of food. Your best bet is to drive around looking for flocks of geese and follow them.

Once you find the general area they are feeding in, pull up HuntWise to access landowner names, boundaries, and contact information and get permission to hunt that particular piece of land. HuntWise will also show you the peak movement time of the week for a specific hunting area, including the temperature, weather, and wind direction, helping you further prepare for your hunt. 


Why Decoys?

Once you have access to a particular piece of hunting land, it's time to get geese to land where you're hunting. That's where decoys come in.

Decoys typically mimic geese doing three different things: swimming, feeding, and resting. Depending on where you hunt, goose behaviors may differ slightly, but when it comes to decoys, remember that the more realistic, the better.

The challenge is that geese learn quickly, have incredible vision, and adapt to hunting strategies they have encountered. So if they have been shot at a few times, everything changes, and getting them to come down and finish takes convincing. 

Decoys have come a long way from the days of handcrafted decoys made out of reeds used by Native Americans and the carved and painted wood and cork decoys that came after that. Nowadays, there are a myriad of decoys with a range of price points and body styles, so knowing the difference between decoys and their particular uses is crucial.

Hunters continuously debate the quantity or quality of decoys, but here are some things to remember. Early in the season, you can get away with putting small family groups of less polished-looking decoys. Later in the season, geese have been pressured, and are therefore more wary of anything that looks less than realistic.

Hunting later in the season means you should put all of your decoys out and your best-looking decoys front and center of your spreads. You can still use your not-so-great decoys, but you should position them closer to you, so your best decoys entice the geese before coming across the less attractive ones.

Silhoutte decoys for good hunting on a white background, decoy spreads concept.

6 Types of Decoys for Your Decoy Spreads

What types of decoys do you need to mimic swimming, feeding, or resting? Here are four to add to your gear.

1. Silhouette Decoys

Silhouette decoys or "silos" are decoys that are made to resemble geese feeding or eating off the ground. They are primarily used as an economical way to make a large spread.

This type of decoy can be mixed in with full bodies or used by themselves. Position these decoys up as if they are making their way toward you.

Silo decoys come in both a realistic photo finish and "black and whites," which pop a bit from a distance. That said, some brands of silhouette decoys have a glare in direct sunlight and aren't always great for sunny days. 


Full-bodied good decoys on a white background, decoy spread concept.

2. Full-Bodied Decoys

Full-bodied goose decoys are the most realistic and, often, the most expensive.

These decoys make it appear as if the geese are in motion while others are stationary. Instead of being anchored on plastic stands, metal stands with large black feet anchor these decoys.

Full-body decoys typically come in painted and fully flocked finishes. If you are hunting in snowy conditions, leave the fully flocked decoys in the trailer because you'll spend more time brushing off decoys than in the blind.

The realistic look of this decoy makes it a great choice when hunting flocks that have encountered many hunting scenarios and are, by this time, no strangers to decoys.

Goose decoy shells, setting up decoy spreads concept.

3. Shells

Unlike full-body decoys, shells are hollowed-out plastic that is easy to stack and transport.

Shells are a great way to make it look like there are a ton of geese for a more affordable price. These decoys do not have legs but are anchored with metal stands.

Shell decoys are almost always used as a "sleeper" decoy. Sleeper shells are insanely effective along an ice shelf on a river where birds are coming to loaf midday and also effective in a feed scenario.

Always face the front of a sleeper in the wind, as that's how a goose naturally rests.

Floater goose decoys on the water, setting up decoy spreads concept.

4. Floaters

Like hunting in a field, position decoys in the most realistic, inviting spread when hunting over a water source. In water, as you do in a field, use the landscape around you to funnel the geese into shooting range. 


Goose socks on a white background, goose decoys concept.

5. Goose Socks

Goose socks give motion to the decoy spread. The lightweight shell is designed to move in the wind and attract geese from far away.

The decoy's body fills when the wind blows and gives the appearance of feeding geese moving around. Goose socks are used in large groups of three or more dozen at a time and are often used to resemble a large flock. 

A goose flag use for decoy spreads on a white background.

6. Goose Flags

Goose flags are held in the hunter's hand and used to flag down far-off geese by mimicking birds' landing.

When a hunter spots a flock far off, he will wave the flag as big as he can, catching their attention and redirecting geese to check out the rest of his spread.

3 Essential Decoy Pattern Spreads

Now that you know a little about the types of decoys and how to use them, how should you spread them? Let's talk about decoy spreads.

Giving geese room to land is essential. Setting your decoys close together may deter geese from finding a place to land in range, so leave enough space between decoys while maintaining a natural, believable look.

In heavy wind, geese like to pack in close, but again, just make sure to give the geese a landing area. Set your best active decoys, like cupping into land or appearing to be walking and feeding, farther away from your shooting position but pointed towards your direction. Geese flying in will try to land in the middle and come towards a food source, so make it as real-looking as possible.

In the late season, these should be your very best decoys, accompanied by roughed-up corn in the snow that makes it look like the geese have been feeding. Some hunters even go as far as to bring a rake to manually rough things up.

1. The Classic "U"


A graphic showing the Classic U pattern for goose decoy spreads.

The "U" is a classic decoy spread used throughout the season across the United States. It is the most popular spread because it works.

It is the perfect setup when you have the wind at your back and want geese to come straight at you. Hunters are positioned at the base or apex of the U formation of decoys, and ideally, this spread will funnel geese right to you.

Position the U shape with the wind at your back because geese always land flying into the wind. This spread is also great for hunting with a group of people. Surround yourself with content decoys positioned to be bedded or feeding in case birds fly from other sides of the strands.

Place active decoys that look like they just landed or are still flying about ten yards beyond where you want the geese to land along the strands of the U. By doing this, geese will fly over them to try to get ahead of them. 

2. The "X" Spread


A graphic showing the X spread for goose decoys.

In this decoy spread, blinds are positioned in the middle of the "X" with decoys extending out.

This spread is best when there is little to no wind.

When the first group comes in, determine where they want to touch down. Shoot them overhead or watch them land and reposition to shoot for the rest of the day. For this type of spread, you will want to run more decoys than normal.

This formation is excellent for late-season hunting and a solid strategy to utilize all your decoys and get the most out of your best-looking decoys. 

3. The Cross Wind, Sideways "U" Formation

A graphic showing the Crosswind Spread for goose decoys.

Bring all your decoys; yes, every single one you have – and have your buddies bring theirs as well.

For this spread to be most effective, at least four to five dozen decoys are needed. Place most of your decoys around the blinds and pack them tight to you. Also, place some content decoys closest to your blinds.

Birds aren't going to come in and land over geese where there aren't any; geese prefer to land right in the middle of a group. So, put three to four of your best active decoys in the middle of your zone of active decoys to keep the bird's eyes off the hunters.

The birds have been hunted all year, so use your best-looking decoys; that's what the birds will focus on. This formation is great for late-season hunting to really keep the geese's attention off of you. 


Use HuntWise and the Right Goose Decoy Spreads for Success This Season

Understanding Canada goose habits and instincts makes you a better hunter regardless of where you live or when you can hunt in season. While there are many goose hunting strategies, the most basic and important rules are to go where the geese are, use realistic decoys whenever possible, and set your spreads in a way that looks natural to the birds you're trying to land.

One last tip: use HuntWise! As we mentioned earlier, it's the best tool for planning your day in the field. HuntWise provides weather and wind forecasting, mapping layers and markers, and land owner information for when you spot a flock of geese on private land.

If you don't have HuntWise, download it before your next goose hunt! You'll have access to every feature – free – for your first week.


Content reviewed and updated July 16, 2024. 

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