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How and Where to Hunt the Merriam Turkey

7 Minute Read

Merriam turkeys would have to be among the most challenging turkeys to hunt. Hunting them requires an intimate knowledge of the subspecies, how they behave and interact with the natural environment, maintaining peak physical condition, and preparation to push yourself further than expected on other turkey hunts. 

However, the rewards are not just limited to the trophy. The journey to hunt a Merriam turkey takes you to some of the country's most untamed and picturesque locations. It's not just a hunt; it's an exhilarating adventure

If you're ready to take on the challenge and take your turkey hunting to the next level, then read the following information on everything you need to know about Merriam turkey hunting. 


A hunter in turkey camo aims a shotgun.

An Overview of The Merriam Turkey

Merriam turkeys are known for their unique white-tipped tail, lower back feathers, and light plumage.

Adult males (toms) display iridescent bronze and dark feathering, showcasing this large fan-tail in mating rituals and a short beard protruding from the bread. Female plumage is highly adapted to the environments in which they inhabit, functioning as a type of camouflage and featuring a mix of brown, gray, and white,

Additionally, adult males can weigh anywhere from 18 to 30 pounds, and females from around 8 to 12 pounds. 

Merriams are native to the mountainous regions of Western States, preferring habitats of open forests, mixed environments where forests meet grassland, or zones of oak or mixed conifer environments. Like all turkey subspecies, they thrive in environments that provide sufficient nesting, roosting, and foraging opportunities, as well as water access and cover for survival from predation. 

5 Best States For Merriam Turkey Hunting 

While previously limited to a handful of states, Meriams have been successfully introduced to various states, including Idaho, Washington, California, and more.

Explore (in no particular order) five of the top Merriam hunting states, plus a brief overview to help you prep your hunt. 

1. Colorado

Merriam hunting in Colorado offers a mix of public and private lands with ample opportunities in the Rocky Mountain region. You'll find that these mountain-dwelling birds are nomadic, opportunistic feeders with a surprising range. 

2. Montana 

Montana is one of the states that enjoyed a transplanted popular of Merriams, as the bird is not native to this state.

The state is known for vast public lands and a healthy population of Merriam turkeys in the western part of the state. There are plenty of habitats for the birds to thrive, including the mountainous regions in the center to center west and even some challenging birds out in the canyons further east.

3. South Dakota

The Black Hills are a prime location for Merriam turkey hunting. There is good access to public land; three-quarters of the 2.3 million acres are open and carefully managed by the forestry service. 

4. New Mexico

For an authentic Merriam turkey hunt, it's hard to look past New Mexico, which offers a unique hunting experience in the high desert and mountain terrains. Make sure you pack your boots, as a solid hike may be necessary to hit some Merriam pockets in the elevated mountains or valley regions. 

5. Wyoming 

The Bighorn Mountains and surrounding areas are prime spots for Merriam Turkey. This is especially true when targeting river systems and mixed agriculture zones. 


A hunter uses binoculars, hunt Merriam turkey concept.

When to Hunt These Birds

For an easier hunt, targeting Merriams during the Spring season is recommended. As this aligns with the breeding season, the birds will be more vocal and responsive to calls and decoys.

They will also be slightly less apprehensive as the breeding brain takes over, and birds become more straightforward to locate as they showcase their mating rituals and move out into the open. 

Fall can also deliver a Merriam for your Thanksgiving table. However, this will require a much more targeted approach involving in-depth e-scouting to locate flocks, using effective calls, and packing out to harder-to-reach zones. 

Hunting Strategies

What's the best approach to bringing home the Merriam? Here are a few tips!


Pre-season scouting is an invaluable process for uncovering these elusive birds. While they can inhabit a wide range of spaces, open up a mapping app like HuntWise and zone in on coniferous hills, elevated areas, river bottoms, and agricultural areas that meet forests. 

After determining a high-potential area, grab your favorite optics and glass during the day and look for signs of flocks. You can also head out on foot to confirm bird signs with tracks, droppings, and feathers. 


Merriams are vocal birds that employ loud vocalizations to ensure they're heard in the wide-open country spaces that they inhabit. This means they're also super responsive, especially in more remote locations.

Use a variety of calls, such as clucks, purrs, and yelps, to attract gobblers and take the lead of the hens as to what calls are working at that time. 

Decoy Setup

If hunting open plains, consider a standard hen and jake decoy spread to help close the distance and provide a visual incentive, but remember, this isn't compulsory. 

Spot and Stalk

Merriams are wanderers and will move far from their roosting locations, making tracking routines and movement patterns hard. Don't expect to see them holed up in one spot all day.

That being said, this is part of what makes Merriam's such an exciting hunt: you can hike out, cover large distances, and listen intently for the loud open rip of a Merriam's call. Once you've spotted a flock or lone bird, you can move on and take your shot. 


A hunter checks his gear for turkey hunting.

Gear Essentials

As you plan your hunt, make sure you have the right gear. Being prepared means you're ready for any challenge these turkeys throw your way.


Selecting the proper camouflage is critical for a successful Merriam turkey hunt, so purchasing specialist gear is highly recommended.

Choose lightweight pants, shirts, jackets, and headgear to stay comfortable during warmer temperatures. Ensure your camouflage pattern matches your hunting environment — go for brown and gray with touches of green in wooded areas, or choose sandier tones if you're hunting in arid regions.


A 10 or 12-gauge shotgun with a full choke and turkey ammunition is a standard choice. For improved accuracy, consider using a red dot sight. 

Turkey Vest

Turkey hunting can involve long moments of silence followed by everything happening simultaneously. If you're planning a Merriam hunt, consider a specialized turkey vest with pockets for all your essential gear, including box calls, strikers, tags, first aid kits, and other goodies. 

Conservation and Ethics 

By tagging and reporting your harvest, you support and actively assist the state wildlife agencies with their conservation and management goals. 

Respecting private land boundaries is fundamental to ethical and legal hunting practices. The HuntWise app provides clear boundary lines and private landowner contact information if you need clarification on any distinctions. 

Finally, spend some time on the range practicing ethical shot placement. Never overcall or shoot without first identifying the bird. 

Final Tips 

Wherever possible, target clear, mild days, as these tend to be when Merriam turkeys are more active and vocal. Remember that Merriam turkeys reward patience and adaptability, so enjoy the process and keep pushing.

Physical conditioning may be an issue on more extended hunts in mountainous regions, so being in good physical shape can be the difference between a successful hunt and a missed opportunity. 


A hunter looks at a phone, use the HuntWise hunting app to scout turkey hunting.

Make It Merriam Turkey Success With Huntwise

Are you up for the challenge? For a successful Merriam turkey hunt, everything from your e-scouting to physical conditioning will come into play if you're planning to bag one of these stunning birds, not to mention selecting the right gear and choosing prime hunting locations. 

Check out the HuntWise app for help with everything from e-scouting with a range of map overlays to insightful tips and gear recommendations. As a subscriber, you'll also save — potentially hundreds — on the gear you need from our partners.

Start planning now! Download HuntWise and try it for free for a week.

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