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Turkeys strutting in the snow
Field Guide  /  Turkey

4 Types Of Weather You Shouldn't Avoid During Turkey Season

5 Minute Read

At HuntWise, we genuinely believe the best time to be in the field is when the season is open. Granted, it is essential to consider potentially dangerous weather conditions and how that could impact your safety and success when hunting. However, we firmly believe that all types of weather hold something special for us as hunters.

Although 101-degree days are not ideal, and the pouring rain may not be our favorite, nothing is worse than regretting a hunt you could have gone on – but didn't. 

While not every day is "perfect" weather-wise, today we talk about four types of weather you should not avoid during turkey season, as they all can be promising with a bit of alteration in your usual turkey hunting strategies.

Weather Not to Avoid When Hunting for Turkey

Depending on where you hunt most, you'll likely encounter a range of weather conditions during turkey season. No matter what you encounter, feel free to use the following weather conditions to your advantage in the field!

Check out the video below, then keep reading to learn more about hunting turkeys in different types of weather!

1. Foggy Days

Post-storm or post-rain fog is a common weather condition that can happen as a front begins to shift. This can cause turkey to stay on the defense until the fog clears. 

Therefore, when encountering a foggy hunting day, your best bet is to slip in before daylight and stay low.

Turkey will typically gobble just fine in this weather. However, they will withhold flying around. 

Try to slip in close to the gobbling – if you hear any – and set up before they fly down to their coverage before the fog completely sets in.

Turkeys strutting during turkey season.

2. Windy Weather

Like many unfavorable weather conditions, the turkey will gobble less when the wind is strong. Not only do they gobble less, but it is harder for both you and the turkey to hear one another's calls. 

So, to take advantage of gusty winds, try hunting sides of hills and creek bottoms. These areas are less windy, and birds are more likely to continue their normal business. 

Another strategy to consider in these conditions is calling louder and more often. This tactic can help compensate for the smaller range you can cover due to wind. Often, by loudly calling, you can get a gobbler riled up.

3. Sticky and Warm Conditions

Wild turkeys will often react negatively during warm, sticky conditions. They gobble less, do not strut as often, and seem like they are nowhere in sight to us hunters. 

However, they are around! All you have to do is switch up your normal tactics and strategies. 

Look for Water and Shade

If you are out to turkey hunt and experiencing unusually hot conditions, whether in the North, out West, or in other areas, consider hunting near water and shaded areas. 

During warmer weather, turkeys must resort to different water sources to stay hydrated. While they usually receive their hydration from dew in typical conditions, the warm weather will cause their vegetation sources to dry out. 

So, try setting up near water, where it is not only 5-10 degrees colder due to shade, but turkeys can find the water they need.  

Try the "Walk and Call"

Another tactic we found successful in warmer, sticky weather is the walk and call. 

Sometimes, turkeys won't come to you, so you must go to them. As noted above, turkeys don't gobble as much during this type of weather. To apply the "walk and call" tactic for targeting birds, head to open timber, which is generally heavily shaded by older, more mature trees. 

Then, use your call as you walk. Don't get beat by the heat during turkey season, and use these above strategies.

4. Sleet, Ice, and Snow

If you hunt in Michigan or other cold-weather states during turkey season, you always have to be prepared for the most bizarre spring weather Mother Nature may bring. One thing we have learned to be ready for and take advantage of is the ice, sleet, and snow that spring turkey season can often deliver. 

Unless you are hunting the southernmost stretch, many of us will endure a little cold weather during spring. However, cold weather can often be a blessing if it brings you a bit of snow or slush that lightly (or heavily) covers the ground.

Turkey tracks are more easily recognized with just a light dusting of snow or slush and can help you track down these tricky gobblers even when they aren't making a peep. Take advantage of this weather and head to pine or cedar canopies. 

If the snow or sleet is coming down, birds will try to reduce their snow cover so it is easier for them to scratch. However, if the weather brings just a light dusting, you can often find gobblers going about business as usual. 

Nevertheless, gauge the weather before your outing by checking the forecast on your HuntWise app. Be ready to follow their tracks and head to their desired areas. 

Turkeys are out there – you just have to alter your typical strategies to pinpoint where they are.

Check the forecast on your HuntWise app during turkey season.

Use HuntCast™ to Plan Around (or With) the Weather This Turkey Season

Although many other weather patterns can lead to success when it's time to harvest a spring gobbler, these four weather conditions can often be perceived as problematic. However, they can be just as successful as a sunny spring day with the right approach and preparation. 

With your prior knowledge and these turkey hunting strategies, we believe a spring Tom is in your near future. All you have to do is use the right tools to help you go out there and do the work. With the HuntWise app and our HuntCast™ feature, you can plan your hunt accordingly based on the weather. 

With an Elite plan, you get access to our 15-day forecast for the ultimate turkey hunting experience – with or despite the weather! Then, when you harvest your spring Tom, you can let us and the HuntWise community know through the app! 

We are excited to see how it turns out for you. Good luck, hunters, and shoot straight. 


Content updated January 16, 2024.
Feature Photo Credit: Jordan Goss, or @themeathammer

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