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Squirrel in Tree
Field Guide  /  Small Game

4 Strategies For Winter Squirrel Hunting Success

5 Minute Read

Where states offer it, winter squirrel hunting is a nice way to unwind after whitetail season – or just in general. It allows you to continue your year spent outdoors right into the next one.

However, hunting these bushy-tailed animals during the harsh winter months is tough. Squirrels seem to be everywhere during the early season, as food supplies are much more abundant, squirrels are less wary, and leafy branches restrict the game's vision, allowing for closer, easier stalks.

Nevertheless, that does not mean you should overlook late-season squirrel hunting. After all, what hunter doesn't want a little challenge?

Below, we came up with a handful of reasons why you should consider winter squirrel hunting and how to be successful if you decide to go squirrel hunting – and we are positive you will want to after reading this blog post!

Close-up of a squirrel on a tree branch with snow falling, winter squirrel hunt concept.

Why You Should Squirrel Hunt

To start, hunting squirrels is a great reason to keep your skill sharp all year round.

It is also a great introductory game to hunt if you:

  1. Have never hunted, or
  2. Are a young hunter

Hunting squirrels can teach gun safety, marksmanship, field-to-table skills, and even still-hunting techniques. With the vast numbers of squirrels available in most areas, they are the perfect "go-to" game to hunt.

Squirrels Are the Full Package

To add to the excellent skills you will learn as a hunter out in the field, you can also learn great skills at home while cleaning and cooking the squirrels you hunted and brought home.

Many hunters have the misconception that these animals are hard to clean due to their small size; however, that is just another myth that has grown too popular over the years.

RealTree provides a great two-minute tutorial on how to clean squirrels. Click below to watch it!



4 Tips for More Successful Winter Squirrel Hunting

Now that you know a few reasons why we believe this game is so beneficial to hunt, here are four tips and strategies for being more successful during your hunt.

1. Target Different Trees

During the winter season, the foods squirrels ate during the early part of the season are likely on the ground, or gone, for that matter.

Therefore, finding trees that have held their acorns longer is a good idea. Consider targeting pin oaks, as they keep their mast a little longer than white oaks. This will likely allow you to draw a lot of squirrels up into their branches, where they're easier to spot.

2. Try Still-Hunting

Squirrel hunting is the perfect time to work on your still-hunting techniques.

Still-hunting allows you to see a lot more squirrels, as stalking fiercely through the woods can sometimes scare them out. These quick animals need to be sneaked up on in the most cautious way, and still-hunting can be a technique used to help you fill the bag.

A parka with winter camo pattern, winter squirrel hunting concept.

3. Wear the Proper Camo

At this point in the season, the coverage of the area you have been hunting during the fall has vastly changed. Leaves have fallen, trees may have been knocked down, and overall, your visibility has improved – and it's improved for the squirrels, too.

Therefore, make sure you are wearing the proper camouflage for your region, ensuring that you are blending in with the area you are working with.

If it's time to update your camo, check out the HuntWise Gear Partners for potential savings on clothing (and other gear).

4. Choose the Land You Hunt Wisely

As we mentioned earlier, the land you typically hunt in during fall and spring will vastly differ in winter.

So, choose the land you hunt wisely based on the conditions you will hunt in and the potential to find plenty of squirrels to harvest.

Try scouting your land before you decide to hunt. This will help reveal areas of interest and help you better strategize how to approach the hunt. Use your HuntWise app to mark areas of interest, as this will help make the entry and exit of your hunt a breeze, allowing you to easily locate the hunting areas you e-scouted when it's time to go out for a hunt.

For example, if you have a choice between hunting a ridge and a creek bottom, stick to the creek bottom. The leaves will be wetter and the going quieter. You'll also keep a lower profile so squirrels won't be as likely to spot you.

Also, if your land allows you to hunt mountains or hilly areas when wind conditions are unfavorable, do so. This often reveals hollows where calmer conditions prevail and squirrels are more active.

A squirrel on a tree with snow in the background, winter squirrel hunt concept.

Use HuntWise for Successful Winter Squirrel Hunts

We want to see you have a successful winter squirrel hunting season and keep your skills sharp for the more popular hunting season, such as turkey and whitetail. Not only will squirrel hunting keep your skills sharp, but it can also keep that freezer full when the venison seems to keep disappearing.

Consider the tips we mentioned today and use HuntWise to prepare for your hunt. The app features multiple map layers, plenty of markers, and information about land boundaries to help you hunt legally and with permission where needed.

If you're ready to plan your next squirrel hunt, make sure you have HuntWise! Download it and explore every feature – free – through your first week.


Content reviewed and updated July 16, 2024. 

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