Texas is home to world-class dove hunting, drawing in 400,000 hunters yearly and providing an influx of investment for rural landowners, locals, and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
The environmental diversity, from agricultural fields to brushlands, provides numerous hunting opportunities for beginners and experts targeting the mourning, white-winged, and white-tipped dove.
Dove management and conservation require regulations, monitoring, and research as these birds are migratory. This means all hunters must fully understand hunting regulations, dates, and limitations.
Are you looking forward to the dove season? Keep reading to learn about the season dates for the upcoming season and some preparation tips to help you bring home plenty of birds this season!
All About the 2024 Dove Season Texas
The dove seasons in Texas are established by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and based on distinct zones and dates with relevant regulations. This is to ensure a fair and equitable approach to hunting and maintain the ecological balance and ecosystem.
An Overview Season Dates
Generally speaking, dove seasons in Texas are as follows.
North Zone: Typically opens September 1 and closes around November 13, with a second split in December.
Central Zone: Generally starts September 1 and runs through November 1, with a second split in December.
South Zone: Usually opens around September 14 and has multiple splits, often extending into January.
Special White-winged Dove Days: Special days are set aside for hunting white-winged doves, usually in early September.
With an understanding of the general timing for seasons in different zones, it's still crucial to confirm these dates each year, as they can change from season to season.
What Are the 2024 Dove Seasons Dates?
So, what are the specific dates for 2024? Here's what you need to know to plan your hunt this year.
North Regular: September 1, 2024 - November 10, 2024 & December 20, 2024 -January 7, 2025
You'll need a Texas hunting license for the specified season to hunt doves in Texas. Additionally, bird hunters need a migratory bird stamp and a harvest information program certificate (HIP) and must report any banned birds to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
If born on or after September 2, 1071, hunters must also have a hunter education certificate to gain a Texas hunting license.
When you're in the thick of your hunt, be sure to keep bag limits in mind. They are:
Daily bag limit: The daily bag limit in all three zones is 15 birds with no more than two white-tipped.
Possession limit: The possession limit refers to the number of games you can hold, transport, etc., before processing. For doves, it is three times the daily bag limit.
Make sure you don't confuse these two regulatory figures!
How to Prepare for a Successful Dove Hunt in Texas
With the dates and limits in mind, let's get you ready for a successful dove hunt this year!
Scout the Ideal Hunting Locations
When preparing for a dove hunt, it's essential to consider where the doves may be and where they could be moving to and from flight paths. This means considering water sources, agricultural feeds with seeded crops, and nesting areas.
Think of the sky as a giant bird highway and food, water, and shelter as the towns.
To start the process:
Jump on the HuntWise app to explore the mapping features and flag potential hotspots.
Consider the use of decoys and where they may most effectively be placed in your setup.
Focus your hunting efforts on morning and evening hunts around water sources.
Based on your previous mapping decisions, get out into the field and observe the birds in their natural environment.
HuntWise helps you save time in the field and enjoy a more efficient hunt! You can e-scout locations and plot your approach and setup before getting to your hunting zone, giving you an advantage over other dove hunters this season.
Work Through Your Gear Checklist
Dove hunting involves the use of specialized gear. While it's a lighter pack out than other hunting styles, it's important not to forget anything.
Some gear essentials include:
Shotgun with open choke for wider patterning
#7.5 or #8 shot (bring plenty of extra shells)
Camouflage clothing that blends into your chosen environment
Navigational tools or mapping apps such as HuntWise
If you have a furry friend who loves to retrieve downed birds, remember to bring them along.
As you collect your gear, if you discover you're missing an essential item (or it's time to upgrade something you've used a lot), remember to take advantage of your HuntWise subscriber discounts for gear from our partners!
Kickstart Your Texas Dove Hunt With HuntWise
Dove hunting is not just a pursuit but a thriving community in Texas. For hunters seeking low-pressure hunting zones, this popularity means you're part of a larger group, and thinking creatively to find unique hunting areas can help you maximize your chances of bringing home plenty of birds this season.
To boost your opportunities in Texas and bring home some birds for the freezer, start e-scouting now with multiple HuntWise features in the ultimate hunting app. Use map layers, markers, HuntCast, WindCast, and more to scout your hunt area and plan your day in the field!
If you've never hunted with HuntWise before, now is the time to download it and get ready for dove season. We'll give you your first week free to explore the app!
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