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Whitetail Deer: How to Find and Hunt on Public Land

5 Minute Read

A successful whitetail deer hunt on public land requires many things, but resilience and knowledge play the most crucial role. Whitetail scouting on public land requires a tactical and focused skill set acquired by maneuvering a variety of changing variables.

Although private land offers incredible advantages, public land introduces new possibilities riddled with obstacles and excitement. The attraction to a challenge and the access to opportunity plays into the appeal of public land hunting.

On the level playing field of a public land hunt, everyone has the ability to stake their claim. Still, a little extra sweat, planning, and resilience sets successful whitetail hunters apart. Keep reading as we talk today about why hunting public land could be your best hunt and how to find the best public hunting areas to bring home a big buck.  

Close-up of a whitetail deer in the rain.

Why Hunt Public Land?

For most hunters, public land is often the norm for hunting whitetail deer.

Not all of us have access to high-quality private hunting land. In this way, public land is where the majority of time in pursuit of whitetailed deer is spent. With mobile hunting apps like HuntWise, identifying public land plots and access points open to deer hunting close to home is increasingly attainable to hunters of all levels. 

In the United States, there are unparalleled opportunities for hunting public land within the millions of acres set apart for hunting and conservation. There are 76 areas managed by the National Park Service, 336 national wildlife refuges, 36 wetland management districts managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and over 220 million acres of BLM public lands that allow hunting by federal and state regulations and laws.


That means there's plenty of public hunting land out there, but finding the best spot to hunt whitetail this season means hunters need to know what to look for and have the right tools to learn more about the land.

A hunter uses binoculars for scouting public land, whitetail deer hunting concept.

How to Find and Scout Public Land for Whitetail Hunting

The first priority for any hunt planning is scouting the ideal hunting ground to plot the perfect route.

On public land, it is essential to remember that you may have some competition, but you will also most likely have access to far more land to scout.

The HuntWise app allows you to turn on layers that identify public grounds available to hunt. Use layers as a starting point for discovery. Then, you can triangulate your target areas by overlaying several different layers.

When searching for public property, look past traditionally crowded spaces and explore smaller public access areas closer to home. Some of the best hunting opportunities take a little extra research, and HuntWise makes it easier to uncover hidden gems.

Tips for Hunting Deer on Public Land

First and foremost, in a public land hunt, separating from other hunters is crucial. 

Jeff Sturgis, avid whitetail hunter and one of our HuntWise PROs, suggests "traveling off the beaten path and carefully covering your tracks to avoid stepping in muddy areas, breaking ferns or vegetation, and leaving behind ribbons or tacks." 

Trekking the extra mile to avoid heavily traveled paths and access points will increase your chances of bagging a buck. 

Sturgis also points to the importance of "learning to scout people as much as deer." On public land, isolation is one of the most crucial components of success. Look for remote areas with habitat diversity and changes in elevation or vegetation.

When scouting, make note of as many locations as you can and map out exactly where you will set your blind. Pin your locations on the HuntWise app to avoid getting your cover blown. Look for a discreet location between the deer and a nearby food source.

Learn more tips for hunting whitetail deer on public land in the video below from our friend Jeff Sturgis.


No Luck With Public Land? Contact Private Landowners

Some of the most fruitful public land plots may be landlocked between private landowners. To work around this, use the HuntWise private landowner directory to look up the owner's name and contact information for the land you want to hunt.

When you have tried all the tricks in the book and still can't seem to lure a deer over property lines, you may want to get permission from the property owner of a piece of private land to hunt their property.

Obey the Rules of the Hunt (Written and Unwritten)

Whether you're hunting on public or private land, always obey the rules of the hunt.

1. Don't Crowd Others

When selecting a hunting spot, remember that others could already be hunting it.

Besides looking for good habitat and deer signs, you must also look for treestands and ground blinds left by others. Once you find a spot to set up, check the area to ensure you aren't encroaching on someone else. In general, leave at least 200 to 300 yards between you and other hunters' stand sites. 

2. No Trespassing

One of the most important things to remember when hunting on public land is to stay where you have permission to hunt.

If you are hunting next to private property, stay on your side of the fence. It can be tempting to want to cross the border when you spot a buck on the other side, but it's important to honor the land boundaries. 

3. Know Your Surroundings

Continually be on the lookout for other people and potential risks. Always be sure of your target and what is beyond.

Make sure your equipment is in proper working condition to decrease the risk of injury to yourself or others or accidentally starting a fire on public lands.

A hunter holding a phone to use HuntWise for whitetail deer hunting.

Use HuntWise to Find the Best Public Land for Whitetail Deer Hunting

Ultimately, public land hunting opens the door to many new possibilities, but it is not easy. With a carefully calculated plan and a patient, respectful mindset, navigating public land could lead to success.

After all, our public lands are one of the most special things about our country and vital for wildlife conservation. Set yourself apart from other hunters and find less-crowded hunting areas with HuntWise by toggling map layers, dropping pins, contacting private landowners, and utilizing HuntCast predictions. Use the app to explore the best times to scout and hunt whitetail in the perfect public land spot this season.

Ready to find land to hunt this season? Download HuntWise and explore every feature we've mentioned today (and others) — free for one week!

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