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9 Off-Season Tactics Every Deer Hunter Should Do

4 Minute Read

Any serious deer hunter understands that the season actually lasts 365 days a year. Yes, you read that right.

Deer season is truly year-round. Although you may not be able to shoot and land a big buck year-round, countless things must happen in each off-season to ensure success for the next season.

At HuntWise, we believe that the fun isn't just landing a monster 10-point but the whole process leading up to it, which makes it so rewarding.

So, we have developed a simple "to-do" list for any serious deer hunter to accomplish during the off-season. If you want to be a successful hunter, you must put in the work.

1. Cut Shooting Lanes

The off-season is the perfect time to cut shooting lanes for your stands. 

Trees aren't fully budded in most areas, deer are not pressured, and you can even sit in your stand and make a ruckus without any worries. Therefore, start cutting your shooting lanes now when the trees are barer so you will not cut off too much coverage. 

Be sure to leave yourself a good amount of room.

A deer hunter checks a tree stand

2. Manage Your Stands 

Using treestands is a task that never truly ends for us hunters. Finding new spots, adjusting where they are on the tree, or buying new ones is cumbersome, and it usually takes a good chunk of time to find the perfect spot. 

So, you might as well manage your treestands during the off-season when you are not as worried about pressuring or scaring off the deer. Granted, not all of your treestand management can be done during the off-season – but you can plan for it and be more prepared.

3. Scout, Scout, Scout

We cannot express enough how important it is to scout your land and understand your area. The off-season is an ideal time to learn more about where you hunt. 

Get out and walk the property that you are planning to hunt. You will learn a lot by simply being outside and observing.

A computer screen and phone screen showing HuntWise, deer hunter concept.

4. Map Significant Markings Such as Trails, Bedding Areas, and Food Sources

As we stated with scouting, learning your land and understanding the area you hunt is essential – and there is no more perfect time to explore the land you hunt than the off-season. 

This is a great time to learn how deer use a property by finding scrapes, bedding areas, and other spots where deer activity takes place. Mark these areas in the HuntWise app with our specialized markers and take note of their current condition. 

If you already know where the deer are residing, this will help you better hunt your land during the season.

A deer hunter checks a trail camera on a tree.

5. Survey Your Trail Cameras

Trail cameras are the most accurate way to understand deer activity. It is important to have several trail cameras at various locations throughout the land you hunt. 

Doing this will help ensure you are aware of high-traffic and high-pressure areas. It will also help you manage the health of the deer running through your area by allowing you to place food plots properly.

Where should you place trail cams for the best shots? Check out the video below from our friend Jeff Sturgis and our partners at Tactacam. 

6. Prepare For Spring Food Plots

Speaking of food plots, it is important to prepare ahead of time. The off-season is the perfect time to purchase all the necessary equipment, fertilizers, and seeds for the food plot you want to create.

7. Go Hunting. Shed Hunting  

We have previously talked about shed hunting and expressed how it can vastly help any hunter. Well, the off-season is the perfect time for that. 

Shed hunting helps direct you to where that deer likes to spend its time post-season. Plus, shed antlers are a pretty cool find.  

A deer hunter practices shooting a bow.

8. Practice Your Shooting Skills Often

They say practice makes perfect. So, whether you hunt with a rifle or a bow, practicing your shooting skills is one of the best things you can do to elevate your hunting game.  

Yes, preparation and scouting make a huge difference, but if your shot is off, there is nothing more to do than just keep practicing. If you're a bowhunter, try to shoot several good arrows daily, as bow hunting requires a lot of muscle memory. 

A Successful Deer Hunter Uses HuntWise During the Off-Season

Although there are many other tactics a hunter can use to prepare for the upcoming season, these are a few that we find valuable at HuntWise. 

What's one more thing you can do during the off-season? Get familiar with the HuntWise app! As you scout, walk hunting land, or hunt for sheds, remember to mark all important areas on your HuntWise map. You can also log areas you feel are worth noting, including where you place tree stands and food plots.

It's a great time to download HuntWise and try it for free!


Content updated May 17, 2023. 

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