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Best Trail Cams For Hunting in 2024

6 Minute Read

If you want to level up your year-round scouting, gain valuable insights into animal movement patterns through your local hunting areas or are just curious about what's around, a trail cam is a must-have for a successful hunting season.

Trail cams have become more affordable, integrated, and incredibly user-friendly thanks to evolving technology. Finding the best trail camera for you will depend on your specific usage requirements, budget, and technological needs, such as image quality and integration levels. 

To help, we've compiled our review of the top 5 best trail cams for year-round scouting and better hunting in 2024.

Hunters in a field, using trail cams to scout concept.

What to Look for in a Good Trail Cam

Why did we choose the trail cams we'll talk about today? What should hunters look for in a good camera to support hunting efforts? 

Travis Hawkins, one of our HuntWise Field Team contributors and an experienced hunter, offers insights into using these cams to enhance your hunt. 

He says, "Deciding what type of trail camera and how to use it involves a multitude of factors. Cell cameras have gained a lot of traction in recent years and have become a favorite of mine." 

He goes on to say, "The type of game I pursue will affect how I utilize cameras. If it's meat, then a normal camera over a food source will serve its purpose. Using a cam helps me know when does frequent the area during daylight hours and how often."

So, if you're wondering where to start your search for a good trail cam, check out our recommendations!

Why We Like Tactacam Cameras for Tracking Game 

To start our recommendations, we want to feature a few trail cams from our partner, Tactacam. We love the Tactacam gear due to its superior picture quality, with a focus on lighting. 

The high battery life and the REVEAL app, which sends quality thumbnail images to your mobile, allow you to access photos in real time. The integration brings hunting into the home, meaning you can plan your next hunt from anywhere. 

Here are some of our favorites. 

Best Overall: Reveal X 2.0 

Tactacam Reveal 2.0 on a tree, best trail cams concept.

Price: $119.99 

The Reveal X 2.0 is a dependable and affordable trail cam option that offers superior battery life, clear image captures (up to 16 megapixels), and minimal blur. 

A key feature is cellular connectivity, meaning you can access high-definition video (day and night) and, with Wi-Fi connectivity, use your phone to view images. The Reveal X 2.0 uses low-glow IR, creating faster trigger speeds and sharper image captures. One of the leading benefits of the technology is super-sharp nighttime images, which have long been a challenge for trail cam creators. 

The advanced features, affordable price, and user-friendly integration make the Reveal X 2.0 the winner of this year's best trail cam rundown.


Tactacam Reveal SK, trail cams concept.

High-End Choice: Reveal SK 

Price: $179.99

The Tactacam Reveal SK snaps up to a super-crisp 24 megapixels of imagery, and thanks to the dual antenna feature, it provides a more extended range of connectivity. 

The SK is a durable, long-term trail cam option powered by lithium batteries and detachable solar panels. It is reliable and resistant, making it an excellent option for hunters seeking a snapshot of a season.



Best Package Deal: Reveal XB + 32 GB SD Card

Reveal XB + 32 GB SD Card, best trail cams concept.

Price: $164.98

With an impressive 24-megapixel photo resolution and HD video by request, the Reveal XB + 32 BG package delivers outstanding performance and picture quality. 

Utilizing the no-glow IR flash gives you crisp images, making it undetectable during nighttime use. To change providers, switch out your card, meaning you can shop around for the best coverage and target hard-to-reach or remote locations—regardless of the season. 



What About Other Trail Cams?

We're big fans of Tactacam, but they're not the only options for trail cams on the market. If you're looking for something else, here are a few others to consider. 

Best Budget Option: SpyPoint FLEX 

Price: $99.99

For an affordable and dependable big-game trail cam, consider the SpyPoint FLEX. It has automatic connectivity to the most vital service provider. 

With 36MP images and 1080p videos with sound, it's a powerful option for those who don't want to break the bank. 

Smallest Option: Micro 42i Kit 

Price: $79.99 

If you're after a discreet, compact option, look no further than the Micro 42i Kit. This trail cam offers ultra-high-resolution 42MP images and HD video (1280x720). 

This is a traditional option, meaning it's noncellular, but it can hold 13,000 images on its battery life, carrying 4 x AA. 

Get the Most Out of Your Trail Cam With Huntwise

Your brand-new trail cam has some great snaps of active game in your area. 

Great. Now what? Print them off and hang them on your wall? Admire the high-resolution imagery–like a detective building a case?

To make the most of your trail cam snapshots, you want to mark high-trafficked hunting zones and runs in your HuntWise App. By building up a profile of active game based on trail cam images and HuntWise mapping, you'll be laying the foundation for a well-prepared hunt. 

For deeper insights into game behavior in your preferred hunt areas, consider setting up several trail cams to establish a hunting zone. Don't be afraid to move your trail cam around from time to time. This preseason scouting and location marking is an invaluable step in the process of trailing different locations.

Get Trail Cams at a Discount Through HuntWise

As if the combination of the HuntWise app and a good trail cam (or two) isn't enough, HuntWise Pro and Elite members save hundreds on gear top brands, including Tactacam!

A mule deer buck, using trail cams to scout for hunting.

How Experienced Hunters Use Trail Cams and HuntWise

How does our friend Travis use trail cams along with the HuntWise app?  

Here's what he has to say about preparing for whitetail season.  

"Let's talk mature bucks! The first move is to scour the HuntWise app for that ideal topography that generally holds mature bucks. Once a pin or multiple pins are dropped, it's time to put some boots on the ground. 

Ideally, you want to find his bed and place a trail camera on the path leading to and from it. For preseason scenarios I use a normal trail camera that I'll check just before the season opens. If a target buck is on camera, then it's time to swap out that trail camera with a cell camera.

The goal is to understand him. When, why, and how often is he bedding here? It may have something to do with wind direction, thermal hubs/pockets, moon cycle, temperature, barometric, food, water, or other factors. 

Once the buck's pattern is understood, it becomes a waiting game. When the ideal conditions exist for him to occupy that area, it's time to make a move on him.  

I have utilized both cell and trail cameras this way over the years. I cannot rule one or the other out completely because each has its own unique uses. I, for one, do not want a bill for more than five cell cameras anyway!"


Prep Like a Pro With Huntwise and the Right Trail Cams

Trail cams have firmly earned their place as an essential tool in the modern hunting landscape. They allow hunters to scout, confirm, and track animal movements all year round. Due to their popularity, a wide range of products, costs, and capabilities are on the market. 

Getting some great shots is a good start, but those who put in the extra effort to mark, map, and prepare for their hunts are more likely to be successful when out in the field. With HuntWise, drop pins on your customizable maps, and you'll know when and where animals have been tracking past your trail cam to build a solid profile. 

Ready to start scouting? Download the HuntWise app and get it free for a week! Then, upgrade to access exclusive discounts on gear like trail cams, optics, clothing, and more from our partners. 

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