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3 Tips for Hunting Whitetail in the Rain

5 Minute Read

Every hunter knows that rain puts a damper not only on the ground but also on deep camp. Many of us save our vacation time all year long for this short season, which is our pride and joy.

So, when it begins to rain, our spirits of landing that big buck on our trail camera suddenly decline significantly. However, that doesn't have to be the case.

Although it is not ideal, hunting in the rain can be very strategic when properly executed. Keeping reading for our best tips for hunting whitetail in the rain. 

Close-up of a whitetail buck in the rain, hunting whitetail in the rain concept.


Rain Doesn't Affect Deer Like It Affects Hunters

Let's get one thing straight: Rain affects hunters but doesn't affect deer in the same ways. 

It may alter the times they are normally active, but deer still need to feed, and they will go about their business as soon as the rain comes to a halt.

Whitetail deer will always be active and on the move except if the weather is severe, such as a downpour and a lot of wind. So, if you can endure a little rain, you could still catch that big buck on your trail cam right when the rain begins to stop.

Adapt to the Rain (and Gain an Advantage)

Deer love to move when they can hear what is going on around them. However, they are not too big of a fan of heavy wind or downpouring rain.

So, don't be disappointed because you took a day off to hunt, and it is drizzling. Rather, be ready to change these conditions and land a big buck while your buddy complains about the weather. 

Remember that mature bucks will start moving right after the rain quits. More importantly, they will be moving during the daylight. Rain is one of the few things that will increase daytime movement. Therefore, it is essential to take advantage of it.

Also, consider that many hunters will not take advantage of the rainy weather, giving bucks another reason to move.

Rainy Conditions Can Encourage Deer to Move More Freely

In addition to fewer hunters and more daytime activity, bucks seem to move less methodically due to the wet leaves. This will cause them to veer away from stopping every so often or whenever they hear a noise and cause them to move more freely.

Remind yourself that the combination of less noise due to wetness and suppressed scent conditions due to wind will give you, the hunter, the advantage, not the deer. That's why some key strategies can help you hunt whitetail better in the rain.

A hunter walks into a hunting blind, how to hunt whitetail in the rain concept.

3 Tips for Hunting Whitetail in the Rain

How can you grab the advantage over other hunters when it's a bit rainy outdoors? Don't let a planned hunting go to waste! Apply the following three tips to make the most of the weather.

1. Be Prepared for Rain

Before anything else, if you are going to hunt in the rain, you must be prepared. 

You'll need good rain gear and a waterproof blind to keep you dry while you wait for that monster buck. Getting a little wet is worth it when chasing whitetail, but no hunter wants to be soaked to the bone.

So, prepare before you go out for the rainy hunt, and make sure that you have everything you need to stay warm and stay (somewhat) dry.

2. Get Ready to Sit (for a While)

After you are prepared with the right gear, anticipate a longer sit than you usually would experience.

During the rain, deer could move at any given time. Sometimes, rain will hold off for ten minutes and then pick back up. You know how the weather works: it's unpredictable. Although, with the HuntWise app, you have weather forecasting in the palm of your hand to help you plan your day.

So, you might as well plan to sit all day long. 

Bring yourself some snacks, go to the bathroom before you walk to your stand or blind, and get ready to see some action. Deer will move whenever it is clear enough to get around a bit.

So be patient and sit as long as it takes to see that perfect shot. It will be worth it!

3. Plan Your Track After the Shot

Now that you are prepared and realize that you have to sit out all day long to land a monster buck, the next important thing is to make sure you have a successful track once you land a deer.

Considering rain can be anywhere from a steady drizzle to a straight downpour, you must be ready to ensure a track that may not be ideal.

Rain will obviously wash away some or all of the deer's blood, so you must do everything possible to ensure that your shot is clean and that you pay attention to every little movement after you pull the trigger.

Your buck should not run too far if you have a smart shot. So, you must then choose the best strategy to track him after the shot.

Depending on the volume of rain happening at the moment, either take some time to let the buck fall or immediately track it. Either way, do your best to track it after the shot so you bring home your prize on a rainy day.

Learn more about hunting the weather (and bust some myths) in this video from our friend Jeff Sturgis.


Use the Rain and Weather to Your Advantage With HuntWise

With these tips in mind, rain can be just as promising as a crisp fall morning. Don't be discouraged, or call it quits when you see rain in the forecast.

Instead, prepare ahead of time and take advantage of this less popular time for hunting. Log onto the HuntWise app, plot your stands, compare which stand has the most ideal conditions, and get ready to land a big one.

Start exploring every feature HuntWise offers when you download the app and get one week free!


Content updated June 6, 2024. 

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