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Best Times to Hunt Elk

5 Minute Read

Elk are one of the largest of the deer species. A mature bull may reach heights up to 9 feet tall, including their antlers. Cows and their calves live in herds, while bulls tend to live in bachelor groups or alone.

Elk once roamed across most of North America, but due to vast human settlement, they now live primarily in the western United States. They can also be found in parts of Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, and North Carolina, and west of Ontario in Canada. 

They are extremely adaptable animals. They have been introduced to other countries, including Argentina and New Zealand, where they are currently thriving.

An elk is a trophy hunt for many hunters, so if this animal is on your hunting bucket list, make sure you choose the best time and place to hunt them! 

Why Hunt Elk?

Many hunters enjoy the fact that elk season takes place alongside deer season in many areas. So, if you miss out on a big bull elk, you could still come home with a nice big buck without planning a separate trip. 

If you're an adventure seeker, an elk hunt almost always delivers. Elk can travel over different terrain and many miles before you can close in on the one you've tracked. So, you'll need to be in good shape to hunt elk, but it definitely won't be dull if you're up for the challenge. 

For hunters after a "trophy," elk can be one of the most accessible in the U.S. Then, once you tag an elk, you have a lot of delicious meat to pack out and get home. You'll enjoy meat that some say is like venison but with a different, slightly sweet, less gamey taste. 

What to Consider When Hunting Elk

So, what should hunters consider before heading out for an elk hunt? We cover a few critical elements to work through before tracking a bull or cow. 

The Location

Elk live in various habitats, from rainforests to desert valleys, alpine meadows, and woodland regions. They once populated most of the United States and Canada, but since European settlement, they have lived mostly in western North America's mountainous regions. 

As we mentioned, taking on an elk hunt usually requires hunters to get into "elk-hunting" shape to cover the terrain. So, as you e-scout your location using the HuntWise app, do some research into the fitness level you'll want to achieve to keep up with an elk bull or cow on the move. 

States Where You Can Hunt Elk

Elk can be found and hunted in the following states: Michigan, Alaska, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Pennsylvania.

A map of the United States showing where to hunt ellk.

The Solunar Calendar

According to a theory laid out by John Alden Knight in 1926, animal movement can be affected by the position and fullness of the moon –but does it apply to elk? 

In some ways, yes. 

In general, when the moon is bigger and brighter at night, you'll see less elk movement from elk during the day. Then, when it's darker at night, elk will move around more during the bright daylight hours.

The Time of Year

Although slightly affected by elevation and latitude, peak rut season for elk tends to fall near the first day of fall and runs through the first half of October. This is the best time of year to plan your hunt if you hope to take home a trophy bull.  

The Time of Day

Like many animals, elk are most active in the morning and evening. Mid-day hunts may be effective during the rut, but if you want the most activity, shoot for early morning and dusk.  

The Temperature

Because elk are built to withstand extremely cold temperatures, later in the season is typically better hunting. During long, hot days, elk seek shelter from the heat in wooded areas or shaded hideouts. 

The heat also forces them to feed at night or dusk when it's cooler.  

Barometric Pressure

Similar to whitetails, elk can sense a change in the barometric pressure. Their activity increases when they sense an oncoming storm or cold front based on declining air pressure.  

General Weather Conditions

Elk are used to extreme and abrupt changes in weather. However, hunters may not be as prepared. One minute, it's clear skies; the next, you are in the middle of a torrential downpour. 

If you want to increase your chances of getting that trophy elk, make sure you are prepared to stick it out through all types of weather. Use HuntWise to check weather forecasts and take advantage of subscriber gear discounts to pack what you need for a successful hunt. 

The Wind

Wind should be one of the primary factors you consider when hunting elk. While their sense of sight and hearing is great, their sense of smell is even better. 

Cover scents won't do you much good when hunting these animals. Your best bet is to keep the wind in your face to prevent your scent from spooking them.

Screenshots of the HuntWise app to hunt elk.

Use HuntWise to Find teh Best Hunting Times for Elk

After reading this, we hope you're excited about the idea of taking on an elk hunt. While it can take some time to draw an elk tag, get in good physical shape, and gather the gear you need to go after elk, the payoff is well worth it if you're ready to up your hunting game beyond deer or turkey. 

As you prepare for an elk hunt, make sure you have the HuntWise app. With species-specific forecasting information and our WindCast feature, you have the best tool for hunters to return home successfully after a day in the field! 

Download HuntWise today and use it for a week for free to start planning your hunt!


Content updated May 24, 2024.

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